![frames doodling tutorial](https://cdn69.picsart.com/189183066000201.jpg?r1024x1024)
In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you how to dress up your photos by drawing a beautiful frame on them. Follow along to learn how to do it!
Step 1: Add Tint
Open your photo in Draw. Using a transparent brush in a dark green colour, paint over your entire drawing to give it a subtle green hue.
![add photo in drawing suite](https://cdn74.picsart.com/189183203000201.png?r1024x1024)
![paint over photo](https://cdn60.picsart.com/189183259000201.png?r1024x1024)
Step 2: Sketch Frame
In a new layer, draw a rough sketch of your frame. Lower the opacity of the layer, and trace a refined outline of your frame in a new layer.
![sketch frame](https://cdn76.picsart.com/189183325002201.png?r1024x1024)
![outline frame](https://cdn71.picsart.com/189186762001201.png?r1024x1024)
Step 3: Start Adding Colour
Start colouring in your frame with white. In a new layer, add a frosted border on the inside of your frame.
![color frame](https://cdn73.picsart.com/189183402002201.png?r1024x1024)
![frosted border inside frame](https://cdn72.picsart.com/189183446001201.png?r1024x1024)
Step 4: Add Shadows & Draw Snow
Use a soft black brush to add shadows to the edges of your frame. Switch to a light blue color and add a blue tint on the inside of your frame. Use a small white brush to add a few flecks of snow.
![draw shadows](https://cdn67.picsart.com/189183493000201.png?r1024x1024)
![draw flecks of snow](https://cdn61.picsart.com/189183524003201.png?r1024x1024)
Step 5: Add Final Details
Reduce the opacity of your blue layer to make the effect more subtle. In the area within your frame, use a black brush to darken the trees, and switch to a white brush to draw snow on the branches. When you’re done, save your work and share it!
![darkening trees inside frame](https://cdn72.picsart.com/189183568003201.png?r1024x1024)
![share drawing](https://cdn73.picsart.com/189183607002201.jpg?r1024x1024)
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