How To Change Your Hair Colour With PicsArt

hair color changer
In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you how to use PicsArt’s drawing tools to change your hair color in an image. Give it a try on your own shots, and share your creations with the hashtag #Hair! 

Step 1: Open Image in Draw

Open the image you’d like to use in Draw. Tap on the Color Chooser and make your color selection. Tap the check mark to confirm.
edit image   PicsArt color chooser

Step 2: Select Brush Settings

Tap on the paintbrush icon to open your brush settings. Select your brush type and adjust the size and opacity. We chose a brush size of 50 with an opacity of 100%.
brush settings  adjust brush size

Step 3: Paint Hair Color

Tap on the check mark to confirm your brush settings. Ensuring that you have the top layer selected, paint streaks of color onto your hair.
hair coloring
streaks of hair color

Step 4: Adjust Blending Mode

Tap on Normal to open the Blending Mode menu. Select Screen.
adjust blending mode
select screen

Step 5: Repeat With Second Color

Select your second color and paint it over your hair again.
add hair color
change hair color

Step 6: Repeat With Third Color

Select your third color and paint over your hair again.
color changing in photo
change color of hair

Step 9: Confirm & Save

Tap on the check mark to exit Draw. Your image will automatically be opened in the photo editor. Save your work and share it with the hashtag #Hair!
confirm the photo editing     photo sharing
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