Create a Starry Sky With the PicsArt Photo Editor

create a starry sky
In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to add stars to any sky using the photo editor. Read on to learn more!

Step 1: Open Clipart Menu

Open your image in the photo editor. Tap on Clipart and select the Stardust clipart package.
image in photo editor
clipart menu

Step 2: Select Image

Select the clipart image you would like to use. Enlarge and rotate the image so that it fills the sky.
stardust clipart images
place clipart image

Step 3: Reduce Opacity

Use the slider to reduce the opacity of the clipart image. Tap on the paintbrush icon.
adjust clipart image opacity
select paint brush

Step 4: Erase

Use your finger to erase part of the clipart image. Tap on the check mark to confirm.
erase part of clipart
confirm photo editing

Step 5: Open Clipart Menu

To open the Clipart menu again, tap on the plus sign and select Clipart.
add clipart image
starry clipart images

Step 6: Add Clipart Image

Repeat the same process to add additional clipart images. When you’re done, tap on the check mark to confirm. Save your work and share it!
confirm photo edits
share photo
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